I see the struggle.
I heal the root.
I guide the transformation.

  • I can help you, because I’ve helped myself.

    Student of life, maestro of change; my journey has been one wild ride.

    Before spirituality arrived in my life, it was horses that always had my heart. As a small child, I vividly remember treasuring a book of horse breeds, wishing for nothing but a pony.

    In 1998, my dream came true and I started riding. I spent as much time as possible at the stables and throughout my life, horses have always pulled me back to them somehow. I realise now, it is because they are such a major part of my life path and destiny.

    In 2009, I spent a wonderful season working on a thoroughbred stud in Ontario, Canada. After arriving back in England the following year, I worked the next two years at a riding school, teaching children to care for ponies and achieving my NVQ in Equine Care.

  • Sadly, it was at this point that my personal life started to crumble; my father was diagnosed with cancer, and the normalcy of a corporate job offered me a faint sense of stability for the following years, as I unconsciously slipped into the whirlwind of loss.

    In 2015 I didn’t know it, but I was at a breaking point. I was burnt out physically, emotionally and mentally, and could see no way out of the life of suppression, stress and addiction that I was led to.

    After my father’s passing, I fell even further into my depression. I was perpetually lost; seeking the comfort of drink, drugs and food to get me through each day. I honestly believed life was “just a bit shit”.

    Then, one fateful day I grew tired of my life and told myself, “I just don’t want to be sad anymore”. I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it took to find happiness and in that moment, transformative healing began.

  • The discovery of “other realms” came through the unexpected source of a chiropractor, who channelled my father’s spirit. From here, my intrigue grew stronger than my scepticism and I spent the next three years in therapy (just in case I’d finally lost the plot!) and venturing deeper into energy work.

    I undertook in depth psychic and mediumship training, including trance work and attending the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences. It was during this time that my natural gifts revealed themselves at rapid speed.

    In January 2019, I ventured to India for a twin flame healing retreat and experienced spiritual healing on a level like never before. In just one week, I experienced bigger shifts than I had in the previous 3 years of talk therapy.

    Upon my mind-blown return, I willingly dived head first into the depths of energy healing for myself, which simultaneously activated my healing gifts for others. These insights were further strengthened by my awareness of healing through trees and the Earth’s energetic grid, where we root ourselves, often without knowing. This is now an integral part of my work, along with the path of the Divine Feminine.

    After this, I began riding again due to reconnecting with my inner-child and discovering that being with horses again was her number one wish.

  • As horses once again called my name, I found myself studying Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing modality. TFI Reiki was born and I soon found myself a Master of Angelic Reiki and gained a level 2 counselling certification to support my healing work.

    As my energetic frequency and spiritual life upgraded, my outer world began to transform in order to match it.

    I lost 8 stone (54kg) in weight, got sober, renovated my beautiful first home, self-published a book and TFI Reiki won two awards for my work in mental health recovery at the Kent Health and Beauty Awards in 2020.

    After years of loaning, my lifelong dream came true and I finally bought my own horse, Jasper in 2021.

  • Unfortunately after only 5 short months of battling various ailments and rehab together, we discovered that he had critical neurological issues and I had to make the decision to have him put to sleep.

    Only 4 days after this tragedy, I fell off another horse I was looking to buy, fracturing my spine in 2 places and severely injuring my hip. At this point, I was still fuelled by grief and so got myself back in the saddle after only 6 weeks, determined not to give up horses and the happiness they always brought me.

    After various other accidents, I eventually got the message. I wasn’t meant to be riding at this time. And so, I decided to give up riding and focus my energy into working with horses where my strengths lie, in seeing, healing and guiding them and their owners into more connection, understanding and joy. From here, TFI Reiki continued to bloom as I used my gifts from the ground!

    However, as we all know, while life may seem all sunshine and rainbows, often there’s much more under the surface to be discovered, healed and transformed. And that’s exactly what happened.

    As my gifts grew in strength, my ego fell away and layers of C-PTSD were revealed, awaiting my attention to be healed.

    I realised that as my ego disintegrated, my connection with my true-self grew stronger; as did my ability to connect with other energies, no matter if that was human, animal or God.

  • The deeper I dived and grounded into my own darkness, the more knowledge, experience and healing power I gained. I was able to channel more light to create greater alchemy and change not only my own life but for others as well; which is what led me to Godcode Healing and Equine Energetics.

    I continue to live my life as I have cultivated; with love and acceptance for all the past, current and future versions of myself. I use this love to help others upon their evolution.

    My healing journey is what makes me an incredible healer. I’ve harnessed and healed my pain in a way that allows me to truly relate to you. You too, can create a life of strength, confidence and love.