I see the struggle.
I heal the root.
I guide the transformation.

  • Just as you are, your horse is a profoundly emotional being, and deserves to be honoured as such.

    They experience every emotion that you and I are capable of feeling. They can love, they can hate, they can have complex emotional relationships and like us, they can create unique ways of navigating these thoughts and feelings.

    You know how it goes;
    Some days we feel on top of the world, bursting with joy and excitement…
    And others, perhaps we just want to curl up, shutting the world out as we ride out our discomfort.

    In horses and humans, as you can imagine, this will look a little different behaviourally, mainly because they can’t “speak”. However, if you listen, look and are present, they are still communicating.

  • Let me ask you this –

    If you were in a relationship with someone who consistently ignored or neglected your emotions, or only ever tried to fix how you expressed them by calling a person in a long white coat with a big needle in hand, would you be at your happiest? Probably not.

    But sadly this is the normality of the horse-world.
    The fact that as equestrians, we have left our horses’ emotional wellbeing out of mainstream tools of healthcare for so long honestly baffles me, especially as I see how much people love their four legged friends.

    Often, I am called to visit a ‘problem horse’.

    Owners regularly report behavioural problems such as;

    • Spooking, napping or bolting
    • Aggression
    • Seeming low after a loss
    • Tension or stress after moving yards
    • Weaving or cribbing
    • Separation and general anxiety

    And while equine welfare has become a hot-topic in more recent years, something is still missing.

  • A 2013 study reported that behavioural problems such as bucking, bolting or rearing were incredibly common in leisure horses, with a prevalence of up to 91%. I don’t believe it has to be this way, our horses need our help.

    During my time as an Equine Reiki practitioner, it astounded me to witness the enormity of a horse’s emotional capacity. When I created space for them to truly feel their feelings, I often heard, “Thank you for listening”.

    So now I ask you, are you truly listening to your horse?
    Horses, like humans, deserve to be heard (and healed) on every level.

  • Like us, they often find themselves at the receiving end of sad, scary and sometimes deeply traumatising circumstances. Furthermore, they all have their unique ways of dealing with the symptoms of emotional turmoil. Rather like a therapist, my healing process allows your horse to access these feelings and not only release but learn to process them in a healthy way so that they understand how to self regulate and keep themselves relaxed and connected in the future.

    My work helps horse’s to reconnect to their heart, reaching a state of heart-coherence and regulating their nervous system. This calms the mind and body; relaxing their muscles, deepening their breath, releasing stored tension.

    This method helps horses of all kinds, ages, levels and circumstances:

    For the leisure horse, this process helps them to find deep relaxation and connection with their human partner, creating safety and confidence for both within their partnership.

    For the performance horse, this process helps them to release tension, create confidence and become more expressive and energetic.

    For the injured or retired horse, this process shifts low moods or stress, releasing memory of pain that is held within the physical body.

    For the youngster, this process helps them to start life in a self-assured and trusting way, helping them to feel receptive to their future training.

    For all horses, this process helps them to reconnect to themselves, releasing past traumas, stressors or triggers, finding courage in themselves and restoring the ability to regulate their emotions safely.

  • Meet Sophie and her boy Bo,

    Sophie has been Bo’s guardian since 2022. Before that, both of them had led very busy and high-stress lives within the horse-world.

    Both had competed up to high-levels but found each other for a quieter life.

    They now focus on building a strong and healthy relationship with the potential at completing events in the future for fun!

  • Similarly to my practice with humans, I work with the horses by creating an energy field of unconditional love from my heart, the heavens and the Earth. As a horse picks up on my energy field, we begin to blend and the healing begins.

    While I am here to facilitate, support and guide, my aim eventually is for them to learn to process their own feelings, emotions, pain and fear in a healthy way and be able to trust themselves by living from their hearts, rather than just their brains.

    Depending on what is coming up for each horse, I talk openly with their human in order to help them understand things from their horse’s point of view. We may discuss how their horse could be supported energetically, emotionally, spiritually and physically between sessions, which can include conversations around awareness, boundaries and consent.

    Horses often mirror us – We may spot patterns with your horse that are present in other areas of your life and so aid you both to break unhealthy habits and cycles by finding new perspectives and motivations to move forward with.

  • As well as on the ground, I can also support the ridden relationship with your horse. I work with riders at all levels to help create greater freedom, trust and connection which ultimately helps you achieve the results you desire with greater ease.

    My work helps you and your horse to be equal partners in your relationship, so that you can both thrive and be at the best of your abilities, whatever that means for you.

    Equine Energetics sessions for 1 horse are £80 and last between 1-1.5hrs, with payment plans available for those in need.

    Akin to this, I also offer a combination of Horse & Human Healing, which includes 1 online Godcode Healing session to clear any blocks or fears, and 5 Equine Energetics sessions for your horse. This package is there to support the truest healing to further your relationship together.

    My work covers most of Kent and some of Surrey and Sussex.

    You can get an idea of availability using the scheduler, but please be aware your session is NOT confirmed until I have checked the postcode and availability myself and contacted you to confirm. If you have multiple horses you would like me to meet or are further afield, please email me directly with your enquiry to discuss pricing.

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