I see the struggle.
I heal the root.
I guide the transformation.

  • In times of old, visiting a wise-figure of the community for spiritual support was not uncommon. People of all faiths, from all over the globe have received healing for all forms of discomfort. Of course, times have rapidly changed, but our innate need for energetic alignment has not.

    Connecting with the divine is a unique personal experience, however for everyone it begins with connecting with yourself. It is this connection I help you find and cultivate to create long lasting change throughout your life.

    In today’s world, energetic dysregulation can manifest as;

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Addiction (to drink, drugs, work, sex, food and so on!)
    • Career blocks
    • Inability to create or maintain healthy relationships
    • Stagnation in life
    • Physical pain or disease
  • But for many, these struggles are “soothed” by doctor’s visits and prescription medications.

    If they are not successfully soothed, then they continue to grow and eventually become even more disruptive to life.

  • This isn’t uncommon, in fact, more than ever people are suffering with mental health issues, unhealthy or toxic relationships or dissatisfaction in their career.

    While self-help books, spoken therapy or megabucks life-coaches may help soothe your discomfort, the root often remains untouched.

    The true relief from your discomfort comes when you root into your darkness, finding strength to bloom and reach for the heavens.

    I offer three types of energy healing to see, heal and guide you through this process.

    Heavenly Reiki takes place either online or in person from my home in Kent, UK or for those looking for a deeper energy clearance and alignment or are further afield, I offer Shamanic Light language or Godcode sessions online. 

    In a Angelic Reiki session I channel Angelic Reiki into your energy field. I use some energy clearing techniques to help clear resistance and blocks, as well as anything that comes up to be transformed during the session but for the most part I aim to move my consciousness to the background so that the Angelic energy can work through me as powerfully as possible. 

    Like a hose pipe that has become blocked with rocks and dirt, the energy flows through you like water to cleanse you of stuck, negative energy that is holding stress, reducing your energetic charge and generally causing tension. Reiki complements other therapies and provides a sense of calm, emotional and physical release, energetic alignment and pain relief. It is a passive, deeply relaxing experience that really needs to be felt to be understood fully. 

    The next level of session I provide is a 60-90 Minute Shamanic Light language healing. During this session I will guide you into a meditation and we will begin to journey into your energy field where you will meet the resistances and blocks you’re unconsciously holding to release. You may encounter your inner child, ancestors, guides or just lost parts of yourself and I will support you in ways to reconnect with love and learn from these interactions.

    After this exploratory part of the session is complete, I will begin the energetic sound healing using the divine language of light as well as my other energy clearing techniques and gifts to not only clear any residual energy but activate and align your energy field so that you leave the sessions feeling clear, enlightened and refreshed, ready and equipped for the next stage of your life. 

  • In the final healing session I offer, a 90 minute Godcode Healing session clients report a sense of deep calm. They say that after the session, things in life just “start clicking”.

    This modality is a peaceful, nonintrusive and ultimately consensual form of healing.

    You say “YES” to releasing.
    You say “YES” to healing.
    You say “YES” to re-coding.
    You say “YES” to life.

    Godcode Healing puts YOU as the ultimate creative power in your healing journey, as “God” in your own life.

    Within sessions I work with you and God to clear out the old energy, beliefs and blocks that are holding you back from creating the life you want.

    If you’re looking to dive deeper into your healing, or are simply wanting to create positive change in any aspect of your life, then Godcode sessions are the way to identify and transform the root of your issue; beautifully re-coding and re-programming your nervous system and energy field into welcoming in your dream life.

    Working in the quantum field these sessions create powerful energetic change on all levels of existence.

    We are not working with “God” necessarily in a religious sense, but as the highest intelligent, creative and unconditionally loving energy frequency in the universe, it is a energy that already resides in you. This Quantum infinite healing goes through all space, time and dimensions, past present and future lifetimes and realities as well as your genetics and ancestry, through the past, present and future family members.

  • Here’s how a session works:

    • Sessions are held on Zoom and last 90 minutes long
    • We will chat candidly about your current struggles, working to identify the root cause as the healing begins
    • You are in control of each step, consenting to every part of the healing through simply answering “YES” as I re-code using the power of God and the divine language of light.
    • You get a sense of divine power and a knowing that life if happening FOR you, not TO you
    • We will close the session and you will subtly notice deep transformation in your life, through how you think, act, respond and attract

    No matter what you receive in our time together, you will always leave our meeting feeling seen, healed and guided on how to continue maximising your growth.

    Ready to book?